Countries Strengthen Scientific Cooperation in Response to Coronavirus Pandemic
The OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (STP) held its first meeting of the year in early April. HSE staff members Mikhail Gershman, Dirk Meissner and Elena Sabelnikova joined Ministry of Education and Science representatives as members of the Russian delegation to the event. Here, they explain which approaches participants discussed for combating the coronavirus and for preventing other global crises.
HSE and REN21: perspectives for cooperation
In 2019 HSE joined the academic community of REN21, which works towards building the sustainable energy future. Comment by Georgy Ermolenko, Head of the Centre for the Development of Renewable Energy at HSE.
Best Russian practices for the development of the Eurasian Economic Union digital trade
On November 28, a meeting of the expert working group on digital trade of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) was held on the territory of the HSE. Representatives of state authorities, business, academic community and public organizations participated in the event.
Actual issues of further development of the digital traceability system for the products and goods movements in the Russian Federation and the EAEU
On November 1, a meeting of the expert working group on digital traceability of the products and goods movements in the EAEU was held on the territory of the HSE. Representatives of business and academic community participated in the event.
Digital trade in Russia and the EAEU: problems and prospects
On October 31, a meeting of the expert working group on digital trade in the EAEU was held on the territory of HSE. Representatives of state authorities, business, academic community and the Eurasian Economic Commission participated in the event.
EAEU young leaders: present educational trajectories and future Eurasian brands
The EAEU Young Leaders School was held during the IV Eurasian Week International Forum on September 25-27 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. The participants learnt about EAEU universities’ education programmes on the Eurasian integration and brainstormed ideas of Eurasian brands and their global promotion strategies.
The Competence Centre for Cooperation with International Organisations has been established at the HSE
The HSE-based Centre for Cooperation with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD-Centre), part of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK), has been transformed into the new Competence Centre for Cooperation with International Organisations. See what its staff has to say about the rationale behind this change and their new responsibilities.

HSE University and UN-Habitat Sign Collaboration Agreement
HSE University and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme signed an agreement to conduct joint research on urban development. HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov and UN Under-Secretary-General Maimunah Mohd Sharif, who heads the UN-Habitat programme, signed the letter of intent at the recent Moscow Urban Forum, which was held on July 4-7 at Moscow’s Zaryadye Park.