The OECD-HSE Partnership Centre has an abundant experience in coordinating Russia’s participation in the OECD projects and programs as well as in performing research connected with the analysis of the OECD activity and with maintaining Russia’s accession process by order of the Russian executive authorities.
OECD projects
OECD Thematic Review of Tertiary Education
OECD Thematic Review of Equity in Education
Assessment of higher education learning outcomes, AHELO: “Economics” and “Engineering sciences” strands (the project is coordinated together with the HSE Institute for Educational Studies)
Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, PIAAC (the project is coordinated by the HSE Institute for Educational Studies)
Institutional Management in Higher Education, IMHE. HSE is a member of the IMHE Programme and therefore takes part in different projects and initiatives, including:
Supporting Quality of Teaching in Higher Education
Projects carried out by order of executive authorities
Analysis of the principles of project management, OECD tools and best practices and development of recommendations on their use in the priority strategic development projects, the strategic planning documents and the state programs of the Russian Federation, as well as in legislation of the Eurasian integration.
Customer: Government of the Russian Federation, 2018
Analysis of prospective development directions of the Eurasian integration with regard to the strategic aims of social and economic development of the Russian Federation and aims of Russia's chairmanship at EAEU in 2018.
Customer: Government of the Russian Federation, 2018
Analysis of Standards and State-of-Art Practises of Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) in Housing And Utilities Sector
Customer: Agency for housing mortgage lending, 2017
The study of international approaches to participation in global value chains (GVC) and the development of recommendations to improve the efficiency of Russia's participation in GVC in accordance with the recommendations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and other international institutions
Customer: Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, 2014
Development of science-based proposals on priority areas of international cooperation in the field of transport in connection with the accession of the Russian Federation to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Customer: Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation, 2014
Evaluation and assessment of Russia's OECD accession consequences
Customer: Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, 2012-2013
Development of legal recommendations for analytical support of measures taken by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation in the context of the Accession process
Customer: Ministry of education and science of Russia, 2012
Scientific and methodological and informational support of realization of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of Russia’s collaboration with the OECD in the field of educational, science and technology and innovation policy in the context of the given task of Russia’s accession to the OECD.
Customer: Ministry of education and science of Russia, 2009
Analysis of possibilities for adaptation of Russia’s legislature to the normative legal base of the OECD within the framework of Russia-OECD accession negotiation process.
Customer: Ministry of education and science of Russia, 2008
Analytical research of possibilities of the OECD countries’ educational policy experience usage on the basis of the “roadmap” analysis in the context of the given task of Russia’s accession to the OECD” within the framework of the project “Conduction of the top-priority events as to the realization of collaboration programs of the Russian Federation in the field of education, including multilateral projects in collaboration with the European Commission, Council of Europe, UNECE, BEAC, WTO, ASEAN, OECD”
Customer: Federal educational agency of Russia, 2008.
Preparation of analytical materials for the national report on higher education in Russia using the OECD methodology
Customer: Ministry of education and science of Russia, 2007.
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